Idaho Falls Sister Cities is an organization dedicated to furthering the intercultural understanding between citizens of the United States and the citizens of Japan. The organization supports youth from Idaho Falls and the surrounding area as they set out for Tokai-Mura, Japan, our designated Sister City. The youth groups alternate years with the visit taking place late July to August.
When our students go to Japan they stay in Tokai-Mura with host families for approximately ten days. Students traveling to Japan must have turned 13 before or during the trip to Japan and not have turned 19 until after they return from the trip.
As an organization run solely on participation and fundraisers, students can earn the equivalent of funds for the airfare to Japan through work credit points. Work credit points are earned by participating in fundraisers and attending monthly meetings. Students going to Japan will need to pay for any airfare not covered by work credit points and bring shopping money. Participants also pay yearly fees of $25 per student, or $35 per family. The Tokai-Mura organization pays for food and entertains the students while they are in Tokai-Mura. We raise money to pay for the students visiting us.
Regular General Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month and on the Monday, a week and a half after the general meeting each month. Parents and other interested people are welcome to attend. (Click here for more information on meeting time and location.)
Our club is organized by a mixture of student and adult leaders holding various positions and responsibilities.

Sister Cities ifscy81@gmail.com